Bringing your ideas to life through motion

Midwinter Studios is an entertainment production company focused on passion and creativity. It is the company you would create.

Video Editing

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Video Shot

Duis mattis porttitor tincidunt malesuada etiam aliquet mauris sit turpis neque sollicitudin

Video Director

Duis mattis porttitor tincidunt malesuada etiam aliquet mauris sit turpis neque sollicitudin

Who we are

Midwinter Studios is an entertainment production company focused on passion and creativity. It is the company you would create.

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What we offer

Movies & tv

What we offer


Mayan Jumble

Mayan Jumble is a simple and addictive tile game played by the ancient Mayan and Egyptian cultures. (Not confirmed by actual archaeologists.)


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Submission guidelines

If you have that perfect script for us, please send a query letter with a brief synopsis (one paragraph to one page in length).

Please do not send scripts unless requested.  They will not be opened and will not be read.

Right now, we are especially hoping to find that powerful and edgy script with minimal locations, like Memento, Bound, or Rear Window.  Even better if it makes us laugh.

We like:

  • thrillers/edgy/film noir (i.e. Memento)
  • dark comedies
  • off-beat comedies (i.e. Napoleon Dynamite)
  • strong plots
  • interesting characters

We’re not currently interested in period pieces.

Please note, if we request a script, it will likely be read by members of our company, professional readers, and/or our advisors.

[email protected]